Ziyarah Taxi


Jeddah to Makkah taxi

Ziyarah Taxi- Best Jeddah to Makkah taxi service

Lowest Jeddah to Makkah taxi price, Jeddah to Makkah taxi service, group taxi booking from jeddah to Mecca, private taxi booking, luxury business/elite class taxi booking, Airport taxi booking, shoping taxi booking, ziyarat taxi booking.

Book a Toyota Hiace for a small group taxi service (upto 17 members); Book a Toyota coaster for a medium group taxi service (upto 27 members); Book a Luxury Bus for a large group taxi service(upto 65members). Book a Sedan for a private taxi service(upto 4 members); Book a Toyota Innova/Hyndai staria for a family taxi service(upto 7 members); Book a Mercedes/BMW for a luxury taxi service (upto 3 members)

Make a Group to avail our group taxi service or hire a private taxi in Jeddah!

Book a Toyota Hiace for a small group taxi service (upto 17 members); Book a Toyota coaster for a medium group taxi service (upto 27 members); Book a Luxury Bus for a large group taxi service(upto 65members). Book a Sedan for a private taxi service(upto 4 members); Book a Toyota Innova/Hyndai staria for a family taxi service (upto 7 members); Book a Mercedes/BMW for a luxury taxi service (upto 3 members)

Tourists or Pilgrims in Jeddah can make groups to visit sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah to avail our group taxi service at the lowest price.


Brief history of Jeddah:

Jeddah, a historic city with a 2500-year-old origin, began as a humble fishing village. However, during the reign of ‘Usma ibn Affan’, the fourth caliph of Islam, it transformed into a vital port city. Serving as a gateway for pilgrims, Jeddah facilitated Hajj and Umrah journeys to Makkah.

In the 16th century, the Turks fortified Jeddah by constructing a stone wall to fend off Portuguese invasions. Under Ottoman rule until 1935, the city’s architecture still reflects notable Turkish influences.

Luxury vehicles:

Experience the convenience of Ziyarah premium Taxi service for your travel needs across KSA. Enjoy the lowest Makkah to Jeddah taxi fare with us. Choose from our extensive fleet of luxury vehicles. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to assist you. Let us make you proud with our exceptional services in Jeddah.


The province of Makkah boasts a unique blend of historic and contemporary architecture. Skyscrapers and vibrant souks coexist, reflecting a rich tapestry of culture, geography, and traditions. Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of Old Jeddah, Al Balad, where narrow alleyways unveil stunning Mashrabiat and Rawashaan, transporting you to a bygone era. Moreover, Jeddah’s cosmopolitan nature shines through its diverse culinary offerings, encompassing traditional dishes influenced by various cultures. And for fast food enthusiasts, the renowned Albaik chain originated and thrives in Jeddah.

if you want to know more about the city of Jeddah, please read out our extensive blog post or visit Wikipedia.

jeddah to makkah taxi, water front

Jeddah to Makkah taxi with lowest price/cost/fare

Unbeatable Jeddah to Makkah taxi prices!

minimum rates with luxury is our slogan. If you want to travel from Jeddah to Makkah with a low taxi fare/cost/price. Book a ride with Ziyarah Taxi. Use our hassle-free auto cab fare calculator to calculate the price of your ride and compare it with any other Taxi service provider in the Kingdom to feel the difference. So wait no more and Book now!

Makkah to jeddah taxi, jabal al rehma

City to City services require customers to cover the return trip cost, except for specific routes. ✶