If your plans have changed, please initiate the cancellation process by emailing us at info@ziyarahtaxi.com at least 24 hours before your scheduled arrival time. We appreciate your understanding in helping us manage our resources efficiently.
We value your time and apologize for any inconvenience caused if your booked vehicle arrives more than 30 minutes late. You are eligible to request a full refund. Your time matters, and we’re committed to making it right.
If the provided vehicle doesn’t match your booking, you have the flexibility to choose either a change of vehicle or a full refund. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure your journey meets your expectations.
Please send an email to info@ziyarahtaxi.com at least 24 hours before your scheduled arrival time.
Contact our customer support team through our Contact Page or reach out to us on WhatsApp.
If you haven’t received a refund yet, please follow these steps:
If you’ve done all of this and still haven’t received your refund, please contact us at info@ziyarahtaxi.com.